How to Dress for a Live Farm Animal Photoshoot

Whimsical Clothesline Photoshoot in Avondale, AZ Coming Soon

Avondale AZ Spring Mini Photoshoot

When I first spoke with the owner of MM Ranch Service Mobile Petting Zoo, and she said she wanted to partner with a photographer my mind immediately started working on what I wanted this photoshoot to look like. I like simple props that really help tie a photoshoot together and I really love the farmhouse look so I started scouring Pinterest as we all do, and I found some “Pintspriation” right away. This upcoming photoshoot will be inspired by the following “pins” but just to give you an idea of what is coming…. we will incorporate….

  • the timelessness of laundry hung on a clothesline
  • speckled eggs
  • a farmhouse metal tub
  • and of course farm animals!!!

How to Dress For Your Upcoming Farm Animal Photoshoot

  1. Dress for comfort.
  2. Neutral clothing colors will go well with the theme of this photoshoot.
  3. Think simple flowing dresses, overalls, suspenders, khaki pants, flower headbands, and/or cowboy hats.
  4. Shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty as animals do poo. 

What Not to Wear to Your Live Animal Photoshoot

  1. Things you may not want chewed on by the animals.
  2. Bright reds or oranges since they will cast a red glow on faces.
  3. Clothing with logos or words that might distract from the overall aesthetic of the theme.

Pinterest Inspiration

Click above to see some of the “Pinspiration” that will be used in the upcoming Kim VanOs Photography Mini Session.

How to be apart of this upcoming spring mini photoshoot

While many of these photos contain younger children this photoshoot is for kids and/or families with children 5 years and older.  If you want to get in on these sweet moments during this spring mini photo shoot in April 2024 click below to see if there are any spots left.