Bringing The Fun With Props

Uh, I love props! I feel like props really show case a kid’s personality and make the photoshoot fun. I learned early on that if it’s not fun then kids don’t cooperate and you feel defeated. So, when my kids were younger I loved to set up props and take photos. I would do this for holidays, birthday parties, back to school, yearly birthdays or just because say one of them got a new homemade jacket and hat from Grandma. Pretty much anything was an excuse for a photoshoot using props.

If you know you want to schedule your child’s photoshoot using props from their very own bedroom email me at [email protected] to schedule it today. 


In 2012 my mom made my daughter this vintage looking blueberry coat and hat. As a teenager I used to LOVE the photographer Kim Andersen. If you’ve never seen her work you should Google her. She is amazing! As soon as I saw that coat and hat I knew I wanted my very own Kim Andersen photoshoot with my daughter. I was ecstatic when I snapped the photo below. It is my favorite of this Kim Andersen inspired photoshoot because not only did she use vintage clothing, red brick walls, she also used roses! Uh, be still my heart!

girl in blue hat and coat with rose


I loved that photo so much that I continued to take photos that were inspired by clothing my mom made my kids, including an adorable blue checked dress that I used in two different photoshoots. One in 2013 for a Little Red Riding hood photoshoot in Payson and the other in 2015 for an Alice in Wonderland photoshoot that my son insisted he be a part of. So, I threw some bunny ears on him and told them to have a tea party. I almost cried when I saw how cute there playing together.


Another time I set up a Valentine’s Day Kissing Booth. After taking my own kids photos I invited neighbors and friends over, including one who ran a preschool, so I could take more photos in the Kissing Booth. It was so much fun to see all these kiddos laughing and having a ball with the different props. One of the mom’s actually said I captured her two daughters personalities perfectly. Then I set up a hot coco bar/candy cane bar for my own personal Christmas photos. The kids had a blast and I got some truly adorable photos that I will cherish forever.



I also took yearly photos of my kids and niece trying to find different things that represented who the kids were as they changed from year to year.  To name a few I have two Disney princess photoshoots, a unicorn photoshoot and an Audrey Hepburn photoshoot with my niece as she grew up in front of me wanting to be every bit of a girly girly as she could be. I remember one day I walked her to school and she wore new sparkle glitter shoes that rubbed her heal until it bled. I put a band aid on it with Neosporin to help it feel better but the next day she still wore those shoes and when I asked her why she would wear them again she said “Because they’re pretty Aunt Kimmy.”  

My son on the other hand loved every super hero imaginable and so setting up a superhero photoshoot for him in 2016 was one of many. He just played and I took photos. He wanted to run about shooting me with webs and “flying” with his homemade cape on the swing.  But one of my favorites is capturing him mid-run with his arms out and his cape flying behind him all while in his super hero undies and his costumes on the clothes line behind him. It’s not perfectly focused but it shows the true joy he experienced in playing a super hero. But we won’t share that photo so as not to embarrass him.


For parties I set up elaborate photo booths including a “murder booth” for a CLUE party and a full super hero city landscape for another birthday. I feel like I’ve captured my kids in so many different ways that when I look back over these photos it just makes my heart happy. I smile every time.  

Now that my kids are older I am so excited to help you put together a customized photoshoot to capture these moments for your kids because the days go by slow but the years go by fast is no joke. So if you are ready to book your kids Childhood Memory photo session using props from your child’s very own bedroom click below.