Embracing the Unexpected: Newborn Photography

As a professional photographer, I’ve often found myself in various niches, capturing moments with beautiful senior graduate girls to amazing families, even pet photography. Yet, there were always a few areas I always told myself I would steer clear of—newborn photography was one of those. “Never say never”… I’ve come to realize just how true that is. Today, I’m excited to share with you the story of how I found unexpected joy in photographing two sweet newborn baby girls.

sweet newborn Phoenix, AZ Photographer

The Reluctance

Newborn photography always seemed daunting to me. The idea of working with such delicate, tiny humans felt overwhelming. There are so many factors to consider—lighting, temperature, timing, and above all, the baby’s comfort and safety. It’s an art form that demands patience, precision, and a gentle touch. I admired those who specialized in it but didn’t see myself venturing into that world.

The Turning Point

Then came a request from a dear friend. Her niece had just welcomed a sweet baby girl into the world and asked if I would photograph her. Despite my initial hesitation, I agreed, telling myself it would be a one-time experience. But then came another request from a different friend who wanted to gift someone a photo session with her newborn baby girl.

IVF Photography Avondale, AZ Photographer

The Experience

Walking into both photoshoots I was so nervous but then when I looked at these beautiful miracles I was suddenly overtaken with pure joy. As I set up my equipment, I felt a mix of anxiety and excitement. Would I be able to capture the essence of these sweet precious baby girls?

As each session began, something magical happened. I found myself immersed in the experience. The challenge of capturing their innocence was invigorating. I experimented with different angles, soft lighting, and gentle props. Each click of the shutter was more rewarding than the last.

sweet newborn photography

The Outcome

When I reviewed the photos later, I was amazed at what I had captured. The images were tender, pure, and full of love. The soft focus on tiny fingers and toes, the serene expressions on Amore’s face, and the huge smile on Nile’s —it was all there. The photos told a story of new beginnings.

The Revelation

These experiences taught me a valuable lesson about stepping out of my comfort zone. I had always believed that newborn photography wasn’t for me, but these sessions gave me confidence. It’s not just about taking pictures; it’s about capturing fleeting moments that families will treasure forever.

Avondale Photographer


“Never say never” has become a mantra I hold close to my heart. It’s a reminder that the unexpected can lead to beautiful, fulfilling experiences. If I had stuck to my original resolve, I would have missed out on the profound joy that comes with photographing these sweet newborns. So, here’s to embracing the unknown and finding joy in the places we least expect.

To my two little muses, thank you for showing me the wonder of newborn photography. And to all the future tiny clients out there, I can’t wait to capture your first moments in this world.