Black and White Photos

A Little About Black and White Photographs

I love black and white photos! I mean, I love all photos but there is something about black and white photos that is deep, powerful, emotional and timeless, in their reminiscent quality of the past. This type of photoshoot isn’t for everyone or even really for any photo in spite of the fact that any color photo can be flipped to black and white. Not all photos hold the same appeal or evoke the same level of emotion when they are flipped to black and white.  But if you are ready to schedule your black and white photoshoot email me at 
Black and white photos are great if you know what the main focus is in your photo. By this I mean some photos have so many different things that your eye is pulled to but if you really want to create a powerful black and white photo have the main focus in mind before it’s ever even taken. If the focus is a person then they should be the majority of the photo but if the focus is the background and the person is just in it then, that should be the majority of the focus. Let me show you. 
In this photo the girl has a hat on that is framing her face. The background is not really noticed in the photo because there isn’t much to distract your eye, it’s the girl’s face and the hat. So the photo is a powerful black and white because anyone looking at it knows immediately what the main focus of the photo is. From there the eye can scan the rest of her face noticing where her eyes are looking, the freckles that are spattered across her nose, the deepness of her lips and the flower on the hat she is wearing. 

In this photo the overall background of the majestic arch found in Arches National Park is the main focus and the subjects in the photos are just a part of the overall photo.  You can really see how the photo shows the cracks and crevices of the arch that are somehow easy to overlook in the color version of this photo. It gives it a depth around the arch that allows the eye to travel all the way around it, noticing all the little intricacies of it. 
Black and white photos should have a clear, non distracting background to help your eye know where to go. From there it is like staring at a piece of artwork allowing your eyes to take in the photo and notice the nuances that would otherwise be possibly missed or overshadowed in a color photo.
When preparing to take a black and white photoshoot here are some things to consider. First, where you are taking the photos or what the background will look like. Is it clean? If not, you may want to think about changing locations. Are your clothes solid colors that do not compete with the background but still give depth? So if you are standing in front of white wall don’t wear a white shirt, wear something with a darker color to help you pop. This opposite if the background is dark. Make up can be a bit heavier because you will want the contrast to show.
So why black and white photos? They can be used in any décor since the color of the room will not matter and you can create a beautiful wall layout. The feel is completely different then color photos and will help invoke the emotion of the shoot.  Black and white photos are not for everyone but next time you come across one, take the time to really study it and notice the small things you may have missed in a color photo.
If you are interested in a black and white photo session please contact me at [email protected].